Saturday, February 13, 2010

Innsbruck: Das Hut Des Tirols

Today we went on our first real skiing trip! On Thursday we went to a smaller mountain called Patscher Kofel for night skiing, but there were only a few runs open and there wasn't much of an opportunity to take pictures. We did get to ski through the forest down to a nearby town to catch a bus though, so that was fun.

For today, we went to a much bigger resort, Axamer Lizum. It took about 45 minutes to get there by bus, but it was well worth it. As you can see from some of the pictures, the views were fantastic!

I got a chance to test out my new helmet for a full day and it worked really well! I also got a really delicious Wurst at a little barbecue shop that was right on one of the ski trails. Anyway I had a great time; we're going to another mountain tomorrow!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Arriving in the Alps

So I thought this would be the best way to keep you all up to date with what I'm doing while I'm here. I'll post a few pictures and keep you all up to date on my adventures!

The flight here was long and I didn't sleep much, so I was tired for the first couple of days. I finally got checked into the dorm, and I slept for a long time. My room is a little small but it's comfortable :)

Today I finally had enough energy to get outside and do something active. A few of us went hiking in the hills behind the dorm and it was incredible. Below are some of the pictures from our hike, I'll continue the updates in a couple of days!